Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pending book review: ModSecurity 2.5

Packt Publishing, a UK based publishing firm specializing in focused IT books, has asked me to review Magnus Mischel's ModSecurity 2.5.

Having recently discussed monitoring ModSecurity with OSSEC, I'm looking forward to reading this book.
I've been a ModSecurity fan since incorporating it in a secure server implementation, back when it was version 1.9.4 in 2006, as part of a paper written for OWASP.

Expected highlights include:
* Securing your system by knowing exactly how a hacker would break into it
* Writing rules in-depth and ModSecurity rule language elements such as variables, actions, and request phases
* Covers the common attacks in use on the Web; find the geographical location of an attacker and send alert emails when attacks are discovered
* Many real-life examples for better understanding

I'll give you a detailed, honest assessment of ModSecurity 2.5 in a few weeks.

Cheers. | digg | Submit to Slashdot

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1 comment:

Doug Burks said...

Hi Russ,

Ivan Ristic just announced "ModSecurity Handbook". You might want to take a look at it as well.

Doug Burks

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