Linux OS –Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS discussed herein
In Part 1 of our C3CM discussion we established that,
when applied to the practice of combating bots and APTs, C3CM can be utilized
to identify, interrupt, and counter the
command, control, and communications capabilities of our digital assailants.
Where, in part one of this three part series, we utilized
Nfsight with Nfdump, Nfsen, and fprobe to conduct our identification phase, we’ll use Bro, Logstash, and Kibana
as part of our interrupt phase. Keep
in mind that while we’re building our own Ubuntu system to conduct our C3CM
activities you can perform much of this work from Doug Burks' outstanding
Security Onion (SO). You’ll have to add some packages such as those we did for
Part 1, but Bro as described this month is all ready to go on SO. Candidly, I’d
be using SO for this entire series if I hadn't already covered it in toolsmith,
but I’m also a firm believer in keeping the readership’s Linux foo strong as
part of tool installation and configuration. The best way to learn is to do,
That said, I can certainly bring to your attention my
latest must-read recommendation for toolsmith aficionados: Richard Bejtlich’s The Practice of Network Security Monitoring.
This gem from No Starch Press covers the life-cycle of network security
monitoring (NSM) in great detail and leans on SO as its backbone. I recommend
an immediate download of the latest version of SO and a swift purchase of
Richard’s book.
Bro has been covered at length by Doug, Richard in his
latest book, and others, so I won’t spend a lot of time on Bro configuration
and usage. I’ll take you through a quick setup for our C3CM VM but the best
kickoff point for your exploration of Bro, if you haven’t already been down the
path to enlightenment, is Kevin Liston’s Internet Storm Center Diary post Why I Think You Should Try Bro. You’ll
note as you read the post and comments that SO includes ELSA as an excellent
“front end” for Bro and that you can be up and running with both when using SO.
True (and ELSA does rock), but
our mission here is to bring alternatives to light and heighten awareness for
additional tools. As Logstash may be less extensively on infosec’s radar than
Bro, I will spend a bit of time on its configuration and capabilities as a lens
and amplifier for Bro logs. Logstash comes to you courtesy of Jordan Sissel. As
I was writing this, Elasticsearch announced that Jordan will be joining them to
develop Logstash with the Elasticsearch team. This
is a match made in heaven and means nothing but good news for us from the end-user
perspective. Add Kibana (also part of the Elasticsearch family) and we have Bro
log analysis power of untold magnitude. To spell it all out for you, per the
Elasticsearch site, you know have at your disposal, a “fully open source
product stack for logging and events management: Logstash for log processing,
Elasticsearch as the real time analytics and search engine, and Kibana as the
visual front end.” Sweet!
First, a little Bro configuration work as this is the
underpinning of our whole concept. I drew from Kevin Wilcox’s Open-Source
Toolbox for a
quick, clean Bro install. If you plan to cluster or undertake a production
environment-worthy installation you’ll want to read the formal documentation and
definitely do more research.
You’ll likely have a few of these dependencies already
met but play it safe and run:
sudo apt-get
install cmake make gcc g++ flex bison libpcap-dev libssl-dev python-dev swig
zlib1g-dev libmagic-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libgeoip-dev
Grab Bro: wget
Unpack it: tar
zxf bro-2.1.tar.gz
CD to the bro-2.1 directory and run ./configure then make and finally sudo make install.
Run sudo visudo
and add :/usr/local/bro/bin (inside
the quotation marks) to the secure_path
parameter to the end of the line the save the file and exit. This ensures that broctl, the Bro control program is
available in the path.
Run sudo broctl
and Welcome to BroControl 1.1
should pop up, then exit.
You’ll likely want to add broctl
start to /etc/rc.local so
Bro starts with the system, as well as add broctl
cron to /etc/crontab.
There are Bro config files that warrant your attention as
well in /usr/local/bro/etc. You’ll
probably want have Bro listen via a promiscuous interface to a SPAN port or
tapped traffic (NSA pickup line: “I’d tap that.” Not mine, but you can use it J).
In node.cfg define the
appropriate interface. This is also where you’d define standalone or clustered
mode. Again keep in mind that in high traffic environments you’ll definitely
want to cluster. Set your local networks in networks.cfg
to help Bro understand ingress versus egress traffic. In broctl.cfg, tune the mail parameters
if you’d like to use email alerts.
Run sudo broctl and
then execute install, followed
by start, then status to confirm you’re running. The
most important part of this whole effort is where the logs end up given that
that’s where we’ll tell Logstash to look shortly. Logs are stored in /usr/local/bro/logs by default, and
are written to event directories named by date stamp. The most important
directory however is /usr/local/bro/logs/current;
this is where we’ll have Logstash keep watch. The following logs are written
here, all with the .log suffix: communication, conn, dns, http, known_hosts,
software, ssl, stderr, stdout, and weird.
Logstash requires a JRE. You
can ensure Java availability on our Ubuntu instance by installing OpenJDK via sudo apt-get install default-jre. If
you prefer, install Oracle’s version then define your preference as to which version to use with sudo update-alternatives --config java.
Once you’ve defined your selection java
–version will confirm.
Logstash runs from a single
JAR file; you can follow Jordan’s simple getting started guide and
be running in minutes. Carefully read and play with each step in the guide,
including saving to Elasticsearch, but use my logstash-c3cm.conf config file
that I’ve posted to my site for you
as part of the running configuration you’ll use. You’ll invoke it as follows
(assumes the Logstash JAR and the conf file are in the same directory):
java -jar logstash-1.1.13-flatjar.jar agent -f
logstash-c3cm.conf -- web --backend elasticsearch://localhost/
The result, when you browse
to http://localhost:9292/search is a
user interface that may remind you a bit of Splunk. There is a lot of query
horsepower available here. If you’d like to search all entries in the weird.log
as mentioned above, execute this query:
Modify the log type to your
preference (dns, ssl, etc) and you’re off to a great start. Weird.log includes “unusual or exceptional
activity that can indicate malformed connections, traffic that doesn’t conform
to a particular protocol, malfunctioning/misconfigured hardware, or even an
attacker attempting to avoid/confuse a sensor” and notice.log will typically include “potentially
interesting, odd, or bad” activity. Click any entry in the Logstash UI and
you’ll see a pop-up window for “Fields for this log”. You can drill into each
field for more granular queries and you can also drill in the graph to zoom
into time periods as well. Figure 1 represents a query of weird.log in a
specific time window.
![]() |
There is an opportunity to create a Bro plugin for
Logstash, it’s definitely on my list.
Direct queries are excellent, but you’ll likely want to
create dashboard views to your Bro data, and that’s where Kibana comes in.
Here’s how easy this is.
Download Kibana,
unpack, rename the resulting directory to kibana, copy or move it to /var/www, edit config.js such that instead of localhost:9200 for the elasticsearch
parameter, it’s set to the FQDN or IP address for the server, even if all
elements are running on the same server as we are doing here. Point your
browser to http://localhost/kibana/index.html#/dashboard/file/logstash.json
and voila, you should see data. However, I’ve exported my dashboard file for
Simply save it to /var/www/kibana/dashboards
then click the open-folder icon in Dashboard
Control and select C3CMBroLogstash.json.
I’ve included one hour trending and search queries for each of the interesting
Bro logs. You can tune these to your heart’s content. You’ll note the
timepicker panel in the upper left-hand corner. Set auto-refresh on this and
navigate over time as you begin to collect data as seen in Figure 2 where
you’ll note a traffic spike specific to an Nmap scan.
![]() |
FIGURE 2: Kibana dashboard with Nmap spike |
Dashboards are excellent, and
Kibana represents a ton of flexibility in this regard, but you’re probably
asking yourself “How does this connect with the Interrupt phase of C3CM?” Bro
does not serve as a true IPS per se, but actions can be established to clearly “interrupt
control and communications capabilities of our digital assailants.” Note that
one can use Bro scripts to raise notices and
create custom notice actions per Notice Policy. Per a
2010 write-up on the Security Monks blog,
consider Detection Followed By Action. “Bro policy scripts execute programs,
which can, in turn, send e-mail messages, page the on-call staff, automatically
terminate existing connections, or, with appropriate additional software,
insert access control blocks into a router’s access control list. With Bro’s
ability to execute programs at the operating system level, the actions that Bro
can initiate are only limited by the computer and network capabilities that
support Bro.” This is an opportunity for even more exploration and discovery;
should you extend this toolset to create viable interrupts (I’m working on it
but ran out of time for this month’s deadline), please let us know via comments
or email.
In Conclusion
Recall from the beginning of this discussion that I've
defined C3CM as methods by which to identify,
interrupt, and counter the command, control, and communications capabilities of
our digital assailants.
With Bro, Logstash, and Kibana, as part of our C3CM concept,
the second phase (interrupt) becomes
much more viable: better detection leads to better action. Next month we’ll
discuss the counter phase of C3CM
using ADHD (Active Defense Harbinger Distribution) scripts.
Ping me via email if you have questions (russ at
holisticinfosec dot org).
next month.
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