Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hacker Safe? Not so much.

Likely you've all read about Hacker Safe certified Geeks.com being hacked. ScanAlert, recently bought by McAfee, says that "research indicates sites remotely scanned for known vulnerabilities on a daily basis, such as those earning 'Hacker Safe' certification, can prevent over 99% of hacker crime."
I agree...but here comes strike two.
I was happily bouncing about the internet looking for things that should be fixed, when what did I see at Toastmasters International but a McAfee Hacker Safe certificate. Ever the skeptic, I said to myself "Prove it." But, of course, because my white hat and professional values require it, I remembered that first, do no harm are words to live by. But a wee script test in a form field can't hurt, right?
There's video of this here if you prefer.
Let's begin.
Here's the Advanced Search page, note the McAfee Hacker Safe tag in the lower right:

Then, said little test script about to be submitted to the Advanced Search page:

Ruh roh, Rastro. Can you say XSS?

Man, that's not good, so let's try a bit more trickery.

XSSed indeed.

Something tells me the McAfee Hacker Safe service offering would do well to dig a little deeper before certifying a site.
Meanwhile, sanitizing input might not be a bad idea for our Toastmasters friends.
Play nice until Toastmasters gets a chance to fix it, please. I've already let them know.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice findings. I remember last year when Turbotax.com got hack (it wasn't an active hack, someone just stumbled on it by accident filing their taxes), it also had the HackerSafe seal.

Originally I thought ScanAlert was just a wrapper around Nessus, but I think even Nessus would have found this stuff so I guess it isn't using it afterall ;P

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