Java Runtime Environment
ZAP runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows
Thanksgiving: "As we express our
gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter
words, but to live by them." -JFK
November 2011’s toolsmith is the 61st in the
series for the ISSA Journal, thus marking five years of extensive tools
analysis for information security practitioners. Thank you for coming along for
the ride.
Fresh on the heels of a successful presentation on OWASP
Top 10 Tools and Tactics at an even more successful ISSA International in
Baltimore I was motivated to give full coverage this month to the OWASP Zed
Attack Proxy, better known as ZAP. I had presented ZAP as a tool of choice when
assessing OWASP Top Ten A1 – Injection but, as so many of the tools discussed,
ZAP delivers plenty of additional functionality worthy of in-depth discussion.
OWASP ZAP is a fork of the once favored Paros Proxy,
which has not been updated since August 2006. As such, it should be noted with
no small irony that we covered Paros in December 2006; this is an excellent
opportunity to show you how far ZAP has come from the original project.
ZAP is the result of Simon Bennetts’ (Psiinon) hard work,
though he’s got help from co-lead Axel Neumann (@a_c_neumann) and many
As an official OWASP project,
ZAP enjoys extensive use
and development support as an “easy to use integrated penetration testing tool
for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.”
Simon offered a veritable plethora of feedback for this
article, as provided throughout the rest of the introduction. He indicated that
he originally released ZAP specifically for developers and functional testers;
a group which he believes is poorly represented in the security tools market.
Ease of use was a prime concern, as was documentation and
to his surprise it turned out that it was the security folk who took up ZAP the
quickest, providing great feedback, reporting issues and asking for lots of
enhancements. Simon still wants ZAP to be ideal for people new to web application
security but it’s also going to be enhanced with more and more advanced
features aimed at profession penetration testers.
Simon also wanted ZAP to be a community project; there
are many open source security tools that are tightly controlled by one
individual or company. While he doesn’t have a problem with that fact he does believe
that the real strength of open source comes when anyone can contribute to a
project and take it in directions its initial developers never envisaged.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute to ZAP, and
not necessarily coding only; they welcome help with testing, documentation,
localization, issues identification and enhancement requests. Help spread the
word as well via articles, reviews, videos, blogs, Twitter, etc.
ZAP is also one of the few open source security tools to
be fully internationalized. It has been translated into 10 languages and download
statistics indicate that approximately half of the ZAP users worldwide are
likely to be non-native English speakers.
ZAP is intended to provide everything that you need to
perform a penetration test on a web application.
If you are new to web application security then it might
be the only security tool you need. However, if you're an experienced
penetration tester be sure to include it as one of the many tools in your
As a result, the development team is trying to make it as
easy as possible to integrate ZAP with other tools. They provide a way to
invoke other applications from within ZAP passing across the current context.
In version 1.3 they introduced an API which allows the core ZAP functionality
to be invoked by a REST API, and will be extended to cover even more of ZAP's
features in future releases.
This is an ideal way for other applications to directly
drive ZAP, and can be used when ZAP is running in 'headless' mode (i.e. without
the UI).
They've also put together a
POC showing how ZAP can be
used by developers to include basic security tests in their continuous
integration framework and be alerted to potential security vulnerabilities
within hours of checking code.
Simon and team don’t believe in reinventing the wheel,
which is why they always seek high quality open source components to reuse
before implementing a new feature from scratch.
As such, the brute force/forced browsing support is
provided via
DirBuster and
fuzzing makes use of the
JBroFuzz libraries (both OWASP projects).
Amongst the more advanced features that users might not
be aware of is that ZAP keeps track of all of the anti-CSRF tokens it finds. If
fuzzing a form with an anti CSRF-token in it, ZAP can regenerate the token for
each of the payloads you fuzz with. There’s also an experimental option that
allows this to be turned on when using the active scanner as well. I can say
that quality CSRF testing is not commonplace among ZAP’s web application
testing contemporaries.
For ZAP version 1.4 the development team has decided to
focus on:
Improving the active and passive scanners
Improving stability (especially for large sites)
Session token analysis
In July 2011 ZAP was evaluated and designated as a
'stable' OWASP project, the highest level currently available. Further, OWASP
projects are now being restructured; ZAP has been designated as one of the
small number of 'flagship' projects.
Rightfully so; thank you Simon.
Let’s run ZAP through its paces.
ZAP Installation
and Configuration
ZAP is installation is very simple. Once unpacked on your
preferred platform, invoke ZAP from the application icon or at the command
prompt via the appropriate executable. A current Java Runtime Environment is a
requirement as all the executables (EXE, BAT, SH) invoke java –jar zap.jar org.zaproxy.xap.ZAP.
Most importantly ZAP, runs as a proxy. Configure your
preferred browser to proxy via localhost and the default port of 8080. I change
the port to 8088 to avoid conflict with other proxies and services. You can
change the port under Tools à
Options à
Local proxy if you run multiple proxies that you bounce between during
assessments. I do and as such I use the Firefox add-on FoxyProxy to quickly
dial in my proxy of choice.
You must also generate an SSL certificate in order to use
and test SSL enabled sites. You will be prompted to do when running ZAP for the
first time.
In addition to the aforementioned Security Regression
Tests for developers, the OWASP ZAP project offers ZAP Web Application
Vulnerability Examples, or ZAP WAVE. Download it and drop zap-wave.war in the webapps directory
of your favorite servlet engine. On Debian/Ubuntu systems sudo apt-get install tomcat6 will get
you in business with said servlet engine quickly. In addition to a LAMP stack
on an Ubuntu 11.10 VM I run Tomcat for just such occasions. OWASP WebGoat also
runs as a standalone test bed or via a servlet engine.
Enable ZAP, with your browser configured to proxy through
it, then navigate to the system (VM or real steel) hosting ZAP WAVE, usually on
port 8080. As an example:
ZAP WAVE includes “active” vulnerabilities such as
cross-site scripting and SQL injection as well as “passive” vulnerabilities
including three types of information leakage and two session vulnerabilities.
There are also pending false positives that are not yet
ready for primetime.
The developers recommend that you explore the target app
with ZAP enabled as a proxy, and touch as much of it as possible before
spidering. Doing so helps ZAP find more vulns as you may cross paths with error
messages, etc.
I typically visit the root of the application hierarchy
for a web application I wish to assess, right-click on it, select Attack, then Spider site. This crawls the entire site hierarchy and
populates the tree view under the Sites tab in ZAP’s left pane as seen in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: ZAP spidering |
Crawling/spidering can have unintended side-effects on an
application, even adding or deleting records in a database, so be advised.
A good crawl ensures a better active scan, but before
beginning a scan, set your Scan Policy via Analyze
à Scan Policy as seen in Figure 2. You may wish to more
narrowly scope your scan activity to just the likes of information gathering or
SQL injection as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: ZAP scan policy |
Spidering and scan policy
configuration complete, right click the root, or a specific node you wish to
assess as you can choose Attack à Active scan
site or Attack à Active scan
You can also exclude a site
from the scope in a similar fashion.
A full scan of the ZAP WAVE
instance completed in very short order; results were immediate as seen in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: ZAP scan results |
ZAP includes the expected
Encode/Decode/Hash functionality via Edit
à Encode/Decode/Hash or Tools
à Encode/Decode/Hash along with a manual editor for generating manual requests. I’ll often
run ZAP for nothing more than encoding, decoding, and hashing; it’s a great
The Port Scan feature is also useful. It will select the in-scope host
by default; just click the Port Scan tab then the start button.
The Brute Force tab is a function of the above-mentioned DirBuster
component and includes seven dictionary lists to choose from. I ran this
against my full host VM rather just the servlet element and included the
dictionary-list-1.0 dictionary for a simple, quick test.
Figure 4: ZAP DirBuster at work |
One of my favorite ZAP features
(there are many) is the Fuzzer. Per the Fuzzer component guidance:
a request in the Sites or History tab
the string you wish to fuzz in the Request tab
click in the Request tab and select 'Fuzz...'
the Fuzz Category and one or more Fuzzers
the Fuzz button
results listed in the Fuzzer tab - select them to see the full requests and
The fuzzer, like the scanner,
includes functionality which causes ZAP to automatically regenerate the tokens
when required
As seen in Figure 5, the
fuzzer offers a wider array fuzzers within a given category.
FIGURE 5: ZAP fuzzer config |
In the understanding that
fuzzing is the art of submitting a great deal of invalid or unexpected data to
a target, you can look for variations in results such as response code (200 OK)
and response times. Where normal response times per request average between 2ms
and 4ms for ZAP WAVE hosted on a local VM, one request in particular stood out at
a 402ms response time. I checked for the string passed and cracked up.
courtesy of the handy ZAP decoder:
Slowloris HTTP DoS himself
causing grind even here. ;-)
In Conclusion
ZAP deserves its status as an OWASP flagship project.
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the web application security game
make the Zed Attack Proxy part of your arsenal. I’d go so far as to say, as
2011 is winding down, that ZAP feels like a likely front runner for 2011
Toolsmith Tool of the Year. But that is for you to decide, dear reader. Let me
know if you agree.
Ping me via email if you have questions (russ at
holisticinfosec dot org).
Cheers…until next month.
Simon Bennetts (Psiinon) for
project feedback and details
Axel Neumann (@a_c_neumann)
for draft review