Typically *nix, tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, etc.
Kali 1.1.0 recommended, virtual machine or physical
I love me some tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists,
nothing better than sparking up a lively conversation with a “Hey man, what was
that helicopter doing over your house?” and you’re off to the races. Me, I just
operate on the premise that everyone is out to get me and I’m good to go. For
the more scientific amongst you, there’s always a Faraday option. What? You
don’t have a Faraday Cage in your
house? You’re going to need more tinfoil. :-)
![]() |
Figure 1 – Tinfoil coupon |
In all seriousness, Faraday, in the toolsmith context, is an Integrated Penetration-Test Environment (IPE); think of it as an IDE for penetration testing designed for distribution, indexation, and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit (pentest) conducted with multiple users. It was some years ago when we discussed them in toolsmith, but Raphael Mudge’s Armitage is a similar concept for Metasploit, while Dradis provides information sharing for pentest teams
Faraday now includes plugin support
for over 40 tools, including some toolsmith topics
and favorites such as Openvas, BeEF Arachni, Skipfish, and ZAP.
The Faraday project offers a robust wiki and a number of
demo videos you
should watch as well.
I pinged Federico Kirschbaum, Infobyte’s CTO and project
lead for Faraday.
He stated that, as learned from doing security
assessments, they always had the need to know what the results were from the
tests performed by other team members. Sharing partial knowledge of target systems
proved to be useful not only to avoid overlapping but also to reuse discoveries
and build a complete picture. During penetration tests where the scope is quite
large, it is common that a vulnerability detected in one part of the network
can be exploited somewhere else as well. Faraday’s purpose is to aid security
professionals and its development is driven by this desire to truly convert
penetration testing into a community experience.
Federico also described their goal to provide an
environment where all the data generated during a pentest can be transformed into
meaningful, indexed information. Results can then be easily distributed between
team members in real time without the need to change workflow or tools,
allowing them to benefit from the shared knowledge. Pentesters use a lot of
tools on a daily basis, and everybody has a "favorite" toolset,
ranging from full blown vulnerability scanners to in-house tools; instead of
trying to change the way people like to work the team designed Faraday as a
bridge that allows tools to work in a collaborative way. Faraday's plug-in
engine currently supports more than 40 well known tools and also provides an
easy-to-use API to support custom tools.
Information persisted in Faraday can be queried, filtered,
and exported to feed other tools. As an example, one could extract all hosts discovered
running SSH in order to perform mass brute force attacks or see which commands
or tools have been executed.
Federico pointed out that Faraday wasn't built thinking
only about pentesters. Project managers can also benefit from a central
database containing several assessments at once while being able to easily see
the progress of their teams and have the ability to export information to send
status reports.
It was surprising to the Infobytes team that many of the
companies that use Faraday today are pentest clients rather than the actual
pentest consultant. This is further indication of why it is always useful to
have a repository of penetration test results whether they be internal or
through outside vendors.
Faraday comes in three flavors - Community, Professional
and Corporate. All of the features mentioned above are available in our
Community version, which is Open Source. I tested Community for this effort as
it is free.
Federico, in closing, pointed out that one of the main
features in the commercial version is the ability to export reports for MS Word
containing all the vulnerabilities, graphs, and progress status. This makes
reporting, a pentester’s bane (painful, uncomfortable, unnatural even), into a
one-click operation that can be executed by any team member at any time. See
the product comparison page for more features and details for versions, based
on your budget and needs.
Faraday preparation
The easiest way to run Faraday, in my opinion, is from
Kali. This is a good time to mention that Kali 1.1.0 is available as of 9 FEB
2015, if you haven’t yet upgraded, I recommend doing so soon.
At the Kali terminal prompt, execute:
git clone faraday-dev
cd faraday-dev
The installer will download and install dependencies, but
you’ll need to tweak CouchDB to make use of the beautiful HTML5 reporting
interface. Use vim or Leafpad to edit /etc/couchdb/local.ini
and uncomment (remove semicolon) for port and bind_address on lines 11 and 12.
You may want to use the Kali instances IP address, rather than the loopback
address to allow remote connections (other users). You can also change the port
to your liking. Then restart the CouchDB service with service couchdb restart. You can manipulate SSL and authentication
mechanisms in local.ini as well. Now issue ./
-d. I recommend running with –d
as it gives you all the debug content in the logging console. The service will
start, the QT GUI will spawn, and if all goes well, you’ll receive an INFO
message telling you where to point your browser for the CouchDB reporting
interface. Note that there are limitations specific to reporting in the
Community version as compared to its commercial peers.
Figure 2 – Initial Faraday GUI QT |
The first thing you should do
in the Faraday UI is create a workspace: Workspace
| Create. Be sure to save it as CouchDB as opposed to FS. I didn’t enable
replication as I worked alone for this assessment.
Shockingly, I named mine
toolsmith. Explore the plugins available thereafter with either Tools | Plugin or use the Plugin button, fourth from the right on
the toolbar. I started my assessment exercise against a vulnerable virtual
machine ( with a quick ping and nmap via the Faraday shell
(Figure 3). To ensure the default visualizations for Top Services and Top Host
populated in the Faraday Dashboard, I also scanned a couple of my gateways.
![]() |
Figure 3 – Preliminary Faraday results |
![]() |
Figure 4 – Faraday incorporates OWASP ZAP results |
We can see as we scroll
through findings we’ve discovered a SQL injection vulnerability; no better time
to use sqlmap, also supported by Faraday. Via the Faraday shell I ran the
following, based on my understanding of the target apps discovered with ZAP.
To enumerate the databases:
sqlmap -u
To enumerate the tables present in the Joomla database:
sqlmap -u
-D joomla –tables
To dump the users from the Joomla database:
sqlmap -u
--dump -D joomla -T j25_users
Unfortunately, late in the
game as this was being written, we discovered a change in sqlmap behavior that
cause some misses for the Faraday sqlmap plugin, preventing sqlmap data from
being populated in the CouchDB and thus the Faraday host tree. Federico immediately
noted the issue was issuing a patch as I was writing; by the time you read this
you’ll likely be working with an updated version. I love sqlmap so much though
and wanted you to see the Faraday integration. Figure 5 gives you a general
sense of the Faraday GUI accommodating all this sqlmap mayhem.
![]() |
Figure 5 – Faraday shell and sqlmap |
![]() |
Figure 6 – Faraday Dashboard |
There’s also the status
report view which really should speak for itself but allows you really flexible
filtering as seen in Figure7.
![]() |
Figure 7 – Faraday Status |
Those pentesters and pentest
PMs who are looking for a data management solution should now be fully inspired
to check out Faraday in its various versions and support levels. It’s an
exciting tool for a critical cause.
In Conclusion
Faraday is a project that benefits from your feedback,
feature suggestions, bug reports, and general support. They’re an engaged team
with a uniquely specialized approach to problem solving for the red team cause,
and I look forward to future releases and updates. I know more than one
penetration testing team to whom I will strongly suggest Faraday consideration.
Ping me via email or Twitter if you have questions (russ
at holisticinfosec dot org or @holisticinfosec).
Cheers…until next month.
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